UPDATE: Changes in COVID-19 policies April 17, 2023

As the CDC and our clinical partners have changed their recommendations for mask wearing, and with the end of the federal health emergency, it is time to change our masking policies. We are following the CDC’s guidelines, by US county, to determine our mask wearing policy. With this consideration in mind, starting April 17, 2023, we will implement the following guidelines:

When the CDC’s COVID-19 Community Level for a Dankmeyer office’s county is green or yellow:

Masks are recommended, but not required at that Dankmeyer office for all staff, patients, families and caregivers.

Staff or patients may choose to wear a mask as they feel appropriate.

Staff may request that a patient wear a mask.

Patients may request staff wear a mask.

When the CDC’s COVID-19 Community Level for a Dankmeyer office’s county is red:

All Dankmeyer staff at that office must be masked at all times (unless in a room alone) until the Community Level drops to green or yellow.

Masks are recommended, but not required at that Dankmeyer office for patients, families and caregivers.

We continue to offer Telehealth options and if you are interested in that please give us a call. If you have any questions or concerns about any of our policies, do not hesitate to call 410-636-8114, or email info@dankmeyer.com.

We continue to keep the health and safety of the entire Dankmeyer family uppermost in mind and we deeply appreciate the trust you place in us when you use Dankmeyer for all your prosthetic and orthotic needs. We remain DANKMEYER STRONG.

UPDATE: Changes in COVID-19 policies March 7, 2022

During the past two years, Dankmeyer has followed all State of Maryland and local guidelines as regards to COVID-19 mandates. This included limiting visitors and carefully timing patient visits to provide social distancing, monitoring staff and visitors for temperature and illness, requiring face coverings, increased personal protective equipment and cleaning, not accepting donations of used devices, and increased Telehealth. All of our policies were geared towards keeping our staff, patients, and clinical partners safe and comfortable - yet continuing to provide exceptional, compassionate service. We were determined to remain MARYLAND STRONG!

As the CDC has changed their recommendations for mask wearing, it is time to evaluate and change our COVID-19 policies. We are following the CDC’s guidelines, by US county, to determine our mask policy. With this consideration in mind, starting March 7, 2022 we will implement the following guidelines:

Masks are recommended, but not required at all Dankmeyer offices for patients, families and caregivers. The number of a patient’s party is not limited, however, all members of the party must accompany the patient to the exam room.

If the CDC policy changes for any county where a Dankmeyer office is located (Anne Arundel, Baltimore City, Talbot, and Allegany) then the policy for that office may change as well.

As a medical facility, we continue to keep in mind the health and safety of all those we come into contact with in our offices. There are many members of our communities who are still not eligible for COVID vaccination or have compromised immune systems, who need to maintain vigilance against the virus. Properly fitting face masks will be required of all Dankmeyer staff and visitors who interact with patients.

We do ask that if you feel ill you remain at home and give us a call to discuss your needs.

We continue to offer Telehealth options and if you are interested in that please give us a call. If you have any questions or concerns about any of our policies, do not hesitate to call 410-636-8114, or email info@dankmeyer.com.

We continue to keep the health and safety of the entire Dankmeyer family uppermost in mind and we deeply appreciate the trust you place in us when you use Dankmeyer for all your prosthetic and orthotic needs. We remain DANKMEYER STRONG.

UPDATE: Changes in COVID-19 policies August 26, 2021!

During the last year, Dankmeyer has followed all State of Maryland and local guidelines as regards COVID-19 mandates. This included limiting visitors and carefully timing patient visits to provide social distancing, monitoring staff and visitors for temperature and illness, requiring face coverings, increased personal protective equipment and cleaning, not accepting donations of used devices, and increased Telehealth. All of our policies were geared towards keeping our staff, patients, and clinical partners safe and comfortable - yet continuing to provide exceptional, compassionate service. We were determined to remain MARYLAND STRONG!

As Governor Hogan has declared the end of the Public Health State of Emergency at the end of June, it is time to evaluate and change our COVID-19 policies. As a medical facility, we continue to keep in mind the health and safety of all those we come into contact with in our offices. With this consideration in mind, starting July 1, 2021 we will implement the following guidelines:

Properly fitting face masks will be required of all visitors. Any Dankmeyer team member who has close patient contact for any reason is also required to wear a mask. We will also continue to maintain social distancing in our waiting rooms. There are many members of our communities who are still not eligible for COVID vaccination or have compromised immune systems, who need to maintain vigilance against the virus.

We will no longer screen visitors for temperature, or ask questions about travel, COVID exposure or positive tests. However, we do ask that if you feel ill you remain at home and give us a call to discuss your needs.

EFFECTIVE 8/26/21 a change in visitor policy: The number of patients and their caregivers must not exceed three in our facility at any time; all members of the party must accompany the patient to the exam room.

We will now accept donations of gently used devices.

We continue to offer Telehealth options and if you are interested in that please give us a call. If you have any questions or concerns about any of our policies, do not hesitate to call 410-636-8114, or email info@dankmeyer.com.

We continue to keep the health and safety of the entire Dankmeyer family uppermost in mind and we deeply appreciate the trust you place in us when you use Dankmeyer for all your prosthetic and orthotic needs. As we look forward to Dankmeyer’s 67th anniversary in September, we remain DANKMEYER STRONG.

If you are visiting the office, either on business or as a patient, you will still be required to wear a mask, and we will be masked when we are with you as well!

If you are visiting the office, either on business or as a patient, you will still be required to wear a mask, and we will be masked when we are with you as well!

Dankmeyer Appointment Policies [Políticas de Citas]

As we move into fall and then winter, the progress of the pandemic has accelerated since the summer. We continue to work safely following the guidance of the State of Maryland. We constantly review updated State and CDC guidelines, and make modifications to our own practice to implement these policies.

It is increasingly important to wear an appropriate face covering, and to wear it correctly. Anyone entering the office is required to have a mask in place at all times. We encourage you to review all of our policies below, including appointment times, temperature taking, and our COVID screening questions.

If you have any questions or concerns, please call our office at 410-636-8114/800-879-1245. Or, you can email us in a non-secure email at info@dankmeyer.com. If you would like a copy of the policies as stated below, you can download a pdf by clicking here.


Dankmeyer remains open and working following all CDC precautions for the safety of our clients and staff. However, during the pandemic, we will be restricting our hours, and we will see patients by appointment only. Please call the office to confirm or make your appointment.

[Dankmeyer permanece abierto y trabajando siguiendo todas las precauciones de los CDC para la seguridad de nuestros clientes y personal. Sin embargo, durante la pandemia, estaremos restringiendo nuestras horas y solo veremos a los pacientes con cita. Por favor llame a la oficina para confirmar o hacer su cita.]

The well-being of our patients and staff are our highest priority.  As a valued member of our Dankmeyer patient community, we appreciate the trust you place in us and want to inform you of changes we have made to address the coronavirus COVID-19 situation.  

[La buena salud de nuestros pacientes y personal es nuestra mayor prioridad. Como miembro valioso de nuestra comunidad de pacientes de Dankmeyer, apreciamos la confianza que deposita en nosotros y queremos informarle sobre los cambios que hemos realizado para abordar la situación del virus COVID-19.] 

In an effort to promote your safety, as well as the safety of our staff and other patients, we are asking a set of questions to all patients who wish to schedule an appointment in one of our office locations. We will ask these questions again during appointment confirmations, and when you arrive at the office for your appointment.  Please answer these questions truthfully and accurately.  All of your responses will remain confidential. 

[En un esfuerzo por promover la seguridad de nuestros pacientes y nuestro personal, estamos haciendo una serie de preguntas a todos los pacientes que desean programar una cita en una de nuestras oficinas. Haremos estas preguntas nuevamente durante las confirmaciones de citas y cuando llegue a la oficina para su cita. Responda estas preguntas con veracidad y precisión. Todas sus respuestas serán confidenciales.] 

  1. Do you, or does anyone in your household, have COVID-19? [¿Usted o alguien de su hogar tiene el virus COVID-19?] 

  2. Do you have any reason to believe you, or anyone in your household, has been exposed to or acquired COVID-19? [¿Tiene alguna razón para creer que usted, o alguien en su hogar, ha estado expuesto o tiene el virus COVID-19?] 

  3. Have you, or anyone in your household, had any of the following symptoms in the last 14 days: sore throat, cough, chills, body aches for unknown reasons, shortness of breath for unknown reasons, loss of smell, loss of taste, fever at or greater than 100.4 degrees? [¿Usted o alguien de su hogar ha tenido alguno de los siguientes síntomas en los últimos 14 días? dolor de garganta, tos, escalofríos, dolores corporales por razones desconocidas, falta de aliento por razones desconocidas, pérdida del olfato, pérdida del gusto, fiebre a más de 100.4 grados F?] 

As a result of the current pandemic, we have taken precautions based on state and federal mandates, as well as guidance from the CDC and WHO, to provide a safe and comfortable environment for our patients and staff.  When visiting our office, you should expect the following: 

[Como resultado de la pandemia COVID-19, hemos tomado precauciones según los mandatos estados y federales, así como la orientación de los CDC y la WHO, para proporcionar un entorno seguro y cómodo para nuestros pacientes y personal. Cuando visitando nuestra oficina, debe esperar lo siguiente:] 

  1. All patients, caregivers/companions, and staff are required to wear a mask.  The mask must remain over your nose and mouth throughout your entire visit to our office. [Todos los pacientes, cuidadores / acompañantes y el personal deben usar una máscara. La máscara debe cubrir su nariz y boca durante toda su visita a nuestra oficina.] 

  2. If you require assistance, we ask that you limit caregivers/companions to one support person only for your visit.  [Si necesita la asistencia de un cuidador / acompañante, le pedimos que los limite a una sola persona de apoyo para su visita.] 

  3. Unless the appointment is for your child, please do not bring children with you into the office for the appointment. [A menos que la cita sea para su hijo, no traiga niños a la oficina para la cita.] 

  4. Upon arrival to our office, your temperature will be taken.  If an assistant is with you, we also require their temperature to be taken.  If either you, or your assistant, record a temperature over 100.4 degrees, to ensure the safety of our other patients and staff, you will be asked to leave the building and to call to reschedule your appointment. We will have an infrared touchless digital thermometer, gloves, and hand sanitizer available for you to use.  [Al llegar a nuestra oficina, su temperatura se tomará con un termómetro infrarrojo digital sin contacto. Si un asistente está con usted, también requerimos que se tome su temperatura. Para garantizar la seguridad de nuestros otros pacientes y personal, si usted o su asistente registran una temperatura más de 100.4 grados F, se le pedirá que abandone el edificio y llame para reprogramar su cita. Tendremos mascaras, guantes y desinfectante para manos a su disposición.] 

  5. We follow all social distancing guidelines and ask you to please remain 6 feet from any other patient or staff member.  [Seguimos todas las pautas de distanciamiento social. A menos que nuestro personal necesite establecer el contacto necesario con usted, le pedimos que permanezca a 6 pies de cualquier otro paciente o miembro del personal.] 

If you have any questions or concerns, please call our office at 410-636-8114/800-879-1245. Or, you can email us in a non-secure email at info@dankmeyer.com. If you would like a copy of the policies as stated above, you can download a pdf by clicking here.

[Si tiene alguna pregunta o preocupación, llame a nuestra oficina al 410-636-8114 / 800-879-1245. O puede enviarnos un correo electrónico no seguro a info@dankmeyer.com. Si desea una copia de las políticas como se indicó anteriormente, puede descargar un pdf haciendo clic aquí.]

  • Thank you to Mike Miranda for the Spanish translation. [Gracias a Mike Miranda por la traducción al español.]

Dankmeyer clinicians are committed to serving you along with the rest of the Dankmeyer Team.

UPDATE! Dankmeyer Appointment Policies

Dankmeyer remains open and working following all CDC precautions for the safety of our clients and staff. However, during the pandemic, we will be restricting our hours, and we will see patients by appointment only. Please call the office to confirm or make your appointment.

The well-being of our patients and staff are our highest priority.  As a valued member of our Dankmeyer patient community, we appreciate the trust you place in us and want to inform you of changes we have made to address the coronavirus COVID-19 situation.  

In an effort to promote your safety, as well as the safety of our staff and other patients, we are asking a set of questions to all patients who wish to schedule an appointment in one of our office locations. We will ask these questions again during appointment confirmations, and when you arrive at the office for your appointment.  Please answer these questions truthfully and accurately.  All of your responses will remain confidential. 

1.     Do you, or does anyone in your household, have COVID-19?

2.    Do you have any reason to believe you, or anyone in your household, has been exposed to or acquired COVID-19?

3.    Have you, or anyone in your household, had any of the following symptoms in the last 14 days: sore throat, cough, chills, body aches for unknown reasons, shortness of breath for unknown reasons, loss of smell, loss of taste, fever at or greater than 100.4 degrees?

As a result of the current pandemic, we have taken precautions based on state and federal mandates, as well as guidance from the CDC and WHO, to provide a safe and comfortable environment for our patients and staff.  When visiting our office, you should expect the following: 

1.     All patients, caregivers/companions, and staff are required to wear a mask.  The mask must remain over your nose and mouth throughout your entire visit to our office. 

2.     If you require assistance, we ask that you limit caregivers/companions to one support person only for your visit.  

 3.    Unless the appointment is for your child, please do not bring children with you into the office for the appointment. 

4.     Upon arrival to our office, your temperature will be taken.  If an assistant is with you, we also require their temperature to be taken.  If either you, or your assistant, record a temperature over 100.4 degrees, to ensure the safety of our other patients and staff, you will be asked to leave the building and to call to reschedule your appointment. We will have an infrared touchless digital thermometer, gloves, and hand sanitizer available for you to use. 

5.    We follow all social distancing guidelines and ask you to please remain 6 feet from any other patient or staff member.   

If you have any questions or concerns, please call our office at 410-636-8114/800-879-1245. Or, you can email us in a non-secure email at info@dankmeyer.com. If you would like a copy of the policies as stated above, you can download a pdf by clicking here.

The CDC has published guidelines concerning the use of cloth face coverings to slow the spread of COVID-19. It includes instructions on how to make several different kinds of cloth masks. You can open that document by clicking here. If watching a video is more helpful, JoAnn’s Fabrics has posted a helpful video on YouTube, which you can watch here.

Every single member of our staff will continue to give the best orthotics and prosthetics care and support possible. If anything changes about our hours or policy, we will notify you promptly.  Together, with open hearts and calm minds, we can make a difference to keep our communities healthy.

For your convenience, we have included some reference material from the CDC.

To access the CDC’s information page on COVID-19, click here.

For a PDF from the CDC concerning facts you might need to know about COVID-19, click here.

For a PDF from the CDC concerning what to do if you are sick with COVID-19, click here.

Be well,

The Dankmeyer Team

Dankmeyer clinicians are committed to serving you along with the rest of the Dankmeyer Team.

UPDATE! COVID-19 Starting in the Right Way!

After one week away to do some strategic planning for Dankmeyer’s response to Governor Hogan’s Maryland Strong Roadmap to Recovery, all Dankmeyer offices will re-open on Monday May 18, 2020.  We start in the right way: we reaffirm our mission to provide you - our patients, referral sources and team members - all the resources needed to make our way through the ongoing challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic.  

From day one, and Governor Hogan’s first stay at home orders and the closing of non-essential businesses, we have been on the job.  As an essential health care provider, Dankmeyer kept all offices open to make sure that we served the needs of our prosthetic and orthotic patients and our clinical partners.  We have been following CDC guidelines to provide the most safe and comfortable environment for our patients and team. As we open Monday morning, we continue to do so in full force - whether that force is redistributed through work at home, extended lab hours, or scheduling changes to accommodate safe office visits and physical distancing.  We are stronger together - even as we must continue to be further apart!

We know that until there is a significant change in the progress of the virus and any treatments, we continue to service our patients as defined by CDC guidelines. We are prepared to relax or restrict our practices based on the various risks described in the Maryland Strong Roadmap to Recovery.  We pledge to keep all stakeholders informed every step of the way as our partners and our family.  And, we have signed the Maryland Strong: Back to Business Pledge! We are re-committed to our mission of service and listening to the needs and concerns of our staff, our patients and our community. 

If you have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to call or email us.  Let us know how we can help you.  


The Dankmeyer Team


UPDATE! COVID-19 Statement 04-28-2020


Dankmeyer has always been and remains committed to our mission of enriching the lives of all those we serve. For the past six weeks, we have been working hard every day to ensure our patients, referral sources and team members have all the resources and support needed to navigate the daily changes that COVID-19 has brought to our communities.  We have remained open as an essential health care provider to make sure that we serve the needs of all of our customers.   We have been following CDC guidelines to provide a  safe and comfortable environment for our patients and for our team.

Governor Larry Hogan has announced his Maryland Strong Road to Recovery plan to get Marylanders to think about and make plans for a “new normal”.  We will not be doing things the same old pre-COVID-19 ways!  Dankmeyer has been very agile in shifting operations that are geared toward accomplishing these goals from day one.  

Now, we are doing even more to prepare for and fully embrace the “new normal” and that will require us to pause to re-organize.  

All Dankmeyer offices will be closed the week of May 11, 2020 in order to refine our policies and procedures to meet Governor Hogan’s Road to Recovery plan.  We will re-open Monday, May 18, 2020.     

WE WILL BE OPEN FOR EMERGENCY CARE ONLY during the week of May 11, 2020.  If you should have an emergency, please call our office and leave a message or email us and a staff member will get back to you promptly.  We will re-open Monday, May 18, 2020. 

When we re-open May 18th as we welcome our new normal, be assured that the health and wellbeing of the whole Dankmeyer family is our #1 goal.  

If you have any questions or concerns, please call or email us.  Remember that we are all in this together. Because we are:


 The Dankmeyer Team


UPDATE! COVID-19 Statement from The Dankmeyer Team


UPDATE 04-08-2020

As an essential business, we remain open and working following all CDC precautions for the safety of our clients and staff. However, during the pandemic, we will be restricting our hours, and we we will see patients by appointment only. Please call the office to confirm or make your appointment.

In addition, we ask anyone coming into our offices to wear a mask to protect themselves and our staff. If you have questions or concerns about this policy, please call us to discuss before coming in.

The CDC has published guidelines concerning the use of cloth face coverings to slow the spread of COVID-19. It includes instructions on how to make several different kinds of cloth masks. You can open that document by clicking here. If watching a video is more helpful, JoAnn’s Fabrics has posted a helpful video on YouTube, which you can watch here.

UPDATE 3-23-2020

Pursuant to Maryland Governor Hogan's updated restrictions announced yesterday, and as an essential business, we remain open and working following all CDC precautions for the safety of our clients and staff. Please call with questions or to inquire about an appointment or need for service. We are able to help via phone and video conference as needed to limit visits.

Dankmeyer Prosthetics and Orthotics has been a part of Maryland communities for over 65 years.  Our mission is to take the best care of our patients and our team members, in uncertain times and the best of times!  You are our friends and family, and your concerns are important to us.  We are taking the precautions necessary to protect the safety and health of our communities using the guidance of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the State of Maryland, and we monitor these sites for any changes in recommended procedures.

We continue to maintain our regular hours to provide the services you need.  However, if you are unsure, or uncomfortable coming in for your appointment, please call us, and we are happy to accommodate any change of schedule.  If you or a family member are not feeling well, please reschedule.   If you have completed any recent travel abroad or to a region of the United States experiencing a high volume of COVID-19 cases, please reschedule. You can call us at 410-636-8114 or 800-879-1245.

Every single member of our staff will continue to give the best orthotics and prosthetics care and support possible. If anything changes about our hours or policy, we will notify you promptly.  Together, with open hearts and calm minds, we can make a difference to keep our communities healthy.

For your convenience, we have included some reference material from the CDC.

To access the CDC’s information page on COVID-19, click here.

For a PDF from the CDC concerning facts you might need to know about COVID-19, click here.

For a PDF from the CDC concerning what to do if you are sick with COVID-19, click here.

Be well,

The Dankmeyer Team

Dankmeyer clinicians are committed to serving you along with the rest of the Dankmeyer Team.

Dankmeyer clinicians are committed to serving you along with the rest of the Dankmeyer Team.