Amputee Walking School Re-Launch 5/25/22

We did it! A team effort of practitioners, physical therapists, patients and their families, volunteers, and Todd and Dennis made it happen for the first time since September of 2019! Due to COVID, the first session of 2020 had to be cancelled, and then the rest of 2020, and all of 2021 followed. Finally, the time arrived when we could gather together again. We might have been masked, but there was no denying the smiles and fellowship for this long awaited gathering.

It used to be that three or four times a year, Paralympians Todd Schaffhauser and Dennis Oehler packed their bags and left Long Island, New York to head to Baltimore for a day of Amputee Walking School.  Amputee Walking School (Advanced Gait Training for Individuals with Lower Extremity Amputations) is a program co-hosted by Dankmeyer and the University of Maryland Rehabilitation and Orthopaedic Institute (UM Rehab).

The afternoon started with an educational session presented by Todd and Dennis for professionals attending the (virtual) lecture from 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm. The topic was “Lower Limb Prosthesis Prescription and Training Considerations: An Update.”

After a short break to regroup and relocate to the facilities at UM Rehab, the evening session began at 5pm. The purpose of the evening session in the gym is for all parties to get hands on practice using skills and exercises discussed in the learning session. Supervised by Todd and Dennis, using a treadmill, steps, balance board, and other exercise equipment, physical therapists and Dankmeyer prosthetists and other volunteers were there to lend a helping hand. Participants went through various exercises to practice their stability and mobility. The evening session was well attended, welcoming some returning participants and some first timers.

Want to see some of the fun?? Check out this video:

While we used to be able to meet as many as four times a year, this year we are hoping for one more session in the fall. When our fall 2022 date is confirmed, we will post all about it right here!

If you want to see picture albums and reports from previous sessions dating back a few years, then please browse through the archives of this blog. You may see yourself, or someone you know!

In the meantime, as the back of Dennis’ jacket says, “Keep Moving Forward”.