Patient Stories: Carly Pays It Forward

We have a very special story to share about something coming from a child’s heart.

Carly is one of Dankmeyer’s pediatric prosthetic patients. Her prosthetist is Mary Reedy, CP. Carly was very kind to bring beautiful pink spring tulips into the Baltimore Washington office on Tuesday, March 29, 2022, to thank everyone at Dankmeyer for helping her. They were placed on the counter in the administration area so everyone at the office that day could see them. Pictures were shared with satellite office staff so they could enjoy them as well.

Carly’s thoughtfulness did not end there. She came bearing gifts - gifts for other children.

During the early days of Carly’s rehab, she received a book called Molly the Pony. The story is about a horse who had its leg amputated and then received a prosthesis. Carly gifted three of these books, each with inspiring homemade bookmarks, and packaged in its own gift bag. She has requested we provide the books to any children who may need a little inspiration.

We are very honored that Carly entrusted us to pass on this kindness. She hopes that a new recipient could take a photo to be shared with Carly during her next appointment!