RAND Corp Study Says Advanced Prostheses Have Much to Offer

A recent study by the RAND Corp, "Economic Value of Advanced Transfemoral Prosthetics", (for the full study click here) shows what prosthetists have known for some time.  Microprocessor-controlled knees, commonly referred to as MPK's, substantially improve physical function and incidences of falls and osteoarthritis compared to non-microprocessor-controlled knees.  

Mark Hopkins, PT, CPO, MBA and CEO of Dankmeyer, Inc. writes:

We are constantly looking to improve the value of the services and prostheses we provide to our clients. That includes prostheses that are durable and allow for long term improvement in the client's quality of life. We have known for some time that microprocessor-controlled prosthetic knee joints are a value added product and that they improve safety and quality of life for our clients with limb loss at and above the knee. It is nice to know the science has finally caught up with our clinical intuition! Please take a look at this simple graphic display of some recent good news coming from the scientific literature. As always, please feel free to contact us with questions. We are here to help.

There are a number of prosthetic suppliers who have MPK's.  Dankmeyer uses products from several of these well respected innovators.  You can click on the links below to visit their websites for pictures and technical details of MPK's, as well as their patient stories.  Please contact us if you are interested in more information at 800-879-1245 or, email info@dankmeyer.com and we will be happy to assist.

Otto Bock and the Genium

Ossur and the Rheo 3

Freedom Innovations and the Plie 3

Endolite and the Lynx

We congratulate...... Rob and Nina and Megan!


We love sharing congratulations and this month we have three accomplishments to celebrate!

First up we have Robert Tyler, who passed his prosthetic board exams and is now a Certified Prosthetist.  Rob came to Dankmeyer in 2016 for his 18 month residency in prosthetics and orthotics. He completed that course of study this past December and now Rob is a Certified Prosthetist. If you would like to read more about Robert Tyler, CP Board Eligible Orthotist, click to visit our Clinical Staff page.  Congrats to Rob from all of us at Dankmeyer!

Next up we have Nina Bondre, CPO.  Nina was featured recently in the O&P Edge Magazine as a recent graduate, prepared to make her mark!  Nina completed her combined residency in prosthetics and orthotics in January 2017.  The Edge article highlights several young O&P professionals and describes the challenges they face in the ever changing healthcare world.  You can read the article by clicking here.  If you would like to read more about Nina, you can click here to visit our Clinical Staff page.

We are very proud of the accomplishments of all of our staff.  But Dankmeyer also has partners in research.  The American Academy of Orthotists and Prosthetists had their annual meeting in New Orleans this February. Dankmeyer clinicians Nina Bondre, CPO and Kelsey Kasten, CPO attended the symposium. Megan Hodgson, from Infinite Biomedical Technologies (IBT), presented a poster at the meeting. Megan has been working with Mark Hopkins, CPO and CEO of Dankmeyer, and other Dankmeyer staff on this project.

Please join us in congratulating all three for accomplishing their goals and making their marks!

Holiday Gift Giving and our Community

In the spirit of "The Dankmeyer Difference", employees spread holiday joy to a community family through donations of gifts and toys over the holidays.  Employees were busy Elves checking the lists, shopping and wrapping to make "Christmas wishes" come true.  Throughout the year, Dankmeyer and it's employees initiate and volunteer in various Community Service projects as a TEAM and individually.  At the end of each year Dankmeyer unites for a company wide Holiday Community Service Project. You can read about individual Dankmeyer employees and their  community interests in our Dankmeyer in the Community blog.

Please continue to check our facebook and website in 2018 to "Experience The  Dankmeyer Difference" in the community.

Dankmeyer in The Business Monthly!


Dankmeyer recently appeared in The Business Monthly January 2018 issue, Page B-5.  The Business Monthly is a business newspaper of Howard & Anne Arundel Counties and the BWI Business District.  We are featured in a section dedicated as a Salute to the Central Maryland Chamber. 

Dankmeyer CEO, Mark Hopkins joins COO Joe Delorenzo and Director of Accounting Barbara Delorenzo in the interview.  The article contains information about the current state of technology in prosthetics and orthotics, as well as some Dankmeyer history.

You can click here to read the story.
